Welcome to Password Manager!


If you experience any problems using Password Manager,
please contact the IT Support Center by creating
a web ticket at http://servicedesk.smcm.edu, or by calling 240-895-4357.

SMCM Self Service Password Reset Utility

Password Reset Instructions:

Please Note: You must be enrolled in Password Manager before you can change your password.

1. Click the Reset Password link below.

2. Answer your security questions correctly.

3. Choose a new password that meets the security requirements of the State of Maryland.


If you are new to the SMCM Password Manager program and have a current active password, you must first enroll in the program. After you are enrolled, sign out of the program and follow the Password Reset Instructions below.

Password Manager Enrollment Instructions:

1. Sign in with your username and password below.

2. Type the letters and numbers you see in the image to show us that you are not a robot.

3. Set up your security information.

4. Come back any time that you are locked out or need to reset your password.

Please Note: Only sign in to the Password Manager program to enroll. To Reset or Unlock your password, please see the instructions below.

Unlock Account Instructions:

Please Note: You must be enrolled in Password Manager and your password must not be expired (over the 365 day reset period) to unlock your account.

1. Click the Unlock Account link below to answer your security questions and unlock your account.

2. Answer your security questions correctly.


Unlock Account
Unlock your locked out account
Reset Password
Reset your forgotten password